Every schedule will provide you the associated pay for the employee to ensure you are on top of your labor costs. View historical data as well as estimated cost for future schedules, to help you budget accurately.
You will have quick and easy access to detailed cost data for each shift, as well as analytical reports that include how the pay is distributed among your employees, with a cost trend over time.
With every shift there are additional pay rules or regulations that may apply, such as overtime and holiday pay. Busy Bunny provides you with an accurate calculation of extra pay types over the standard amounts.
Flexible configuration allows you to account for local and regional regulations.
Employees will have access to detailed reports with relevant aggregate summaries. Not only do they have access to their schedule and its estimated pay totals, but they also have access to all historical work hours with exact pay associated for their past shifts.
As part of a complete labor eco-system, providing accurate reports for both you and your employees allows you to avoid any dispute over worked hours and pay. This ensures there is an accurate log to protect both parties.