Complete Set of Labor Features for Your Business

Task management with clear accountability

Photo capability to capture task results

Eliminate the biggest problem of getting store tasks done correctly. With the photo capbility, your employee captures a photo of the completed task to ensure that the task has been completed to your standards.

Having the requirement to capture a photo not only keeps your employees accountable but will instantly increase the quality of the tasks completed.


Set assignments and deadlines

Part of having a successful business and a smooth operation is trusting in your team, and providing them the means to do their job at the highest quality.

Having the ability to set meaningful deadline for your store tasks and assigning them to the right employees will ensure all your tasks to be completed correctly and on time.


Easily manage repetitive tasks

Custom task library allows you to create and manage common and repeated tasks - like replenishing the shelf or taking temperature check - making task assignments simple and fast.

Imagine if you no longer have to constantly remind your employees of the everyday tasks.
